Jérôme Nadeau, Secrets
Marie-France Brière, Champ de contraintes

5455 de Gaspé Ave. #114, Montreal (QC) H2T 3B3

Mile-End/Plateau Route


Exhibited artist: Jérôme Nadeau

“In architecture, the interaction between space and movement, as well as materials and their function, has often been the object of a complex intersection. The intersection of architecture and technology, particularly in the context of modernist principles, invites us to reconsider the fundamental narratives that have historically defined our built environment. This exhibition explores a vision of architecture that transcends the materiality of structures: the often paradoxical dynamics between mechanized human actions and natural processes.

Artist Jérôme Nadeau is interested in the grand narratives of progress and efficiency that underpin modernist thinking. The works in his latest exhibition, Secrets, are built from a form of fabrication that is both brutally reductive and inclusive, and bear witness to the failed ideals of modernism”.

— Excerpt from the exhibition text

Champ de contraintes

Exhibited artist: Marie-France Brière

“In her most recent body of work, Champ de contraintes, artist Marie-France Brière was ostensibly guided by a text by feminist philosopher Catherine Malabou, La plasticité au soir de l’écriture (2005). In her studio, Brière experiments with — or interprets — marble as the blank pages of a palimpsest of unsuspected plasticity. For Malabou, plasticity is a malleable quality that enables continuous transformation, influencing the way we react and adapt to change. It is in this sense that we must understand plasticity as a kind of reading-writing: the propensity of matter to shape itself, to change configuration under the effect of any force — intrinsic or extrinsic to it. In other words, the sculptor materializes the invisible intervention of her reading of stone to then write forms in the making”.

— Excerpt from the exhibition text

Guided Visit with the Artist Jérôme Nadeau
Saturday, September 28, 2024
2 p.m.

Duration : 1 h


Guided visit at the Centre d’art et de diffusion CLARK with artist Jérôme Nadeau, moderated by CLARK’s Manager of Cultural Mediation, Laura Pritchard.

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